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Forgotten Horrors

The Nazi sub-camp system



Fischen sub-camp was located in a forested area to the south of the town of Fischen in southrn Bavaria. It was established in November 1944 and was one of many Dachau sub-camps to serve the German defence industry, in textiles and manufacturing parts for Messerschmitt aircraft. The camp held 300 prisoners from the Soviet Union, Poland, Belgium, Austria, Italy and Germany. There were 18 SS guards. Despite a command for the camp to remain open, it was abandoned in April 1945, the prisoners left to their fate. Remnants of walls and the ruins of the original three barracks survive in the forest to this day. The Fischen local authority has also placed a memorial plaque on the site.




(Above images from Google Earth.


Ruins of the barracks (Left) courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.





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