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Contact me

I am a freelance journalist with a variety of interests, one of which is the Second World War. This project began with me plotting locations on Google Earth and taking screen shots for a Facebook album. When I discovered that Dachau (and other camps) had a sub-camp network, often consisting of over 100 camps, I was fairly shocked as this was an aspect of the Holocaust I had previously been unaware of. If you are interested in this subject, and you've found this website interesting, you might be able to help, particularly if you know something about the subject. This project is far from complete, so if you have information that might be of use to me on this project, please get in touch. Aside from that, naturally I am interested in your comments and would love to hear your views on the website. Many thanks.


Robin Whitlock


Landline: +44 01934 420666

Mobile: +44 07790 156 486
Skype: robinwhitlock4466


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