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Forgotten Horrors

The Nazi sub-camp system


Dachau Main Camp

Dachau is a small town north of Munich. It was the first concentration camp to be established by the Nazi's and served as the model for all the others. However, many people don't realise that many of the well known camps had as many as 20 or more subcamps, something that really exposes the full magnitude and horror of the holocaust...


...but Dachau had at least 100 subcamps under its administration.

These camps are mentioned in various lists. One such list is available on Wikipedia, and it is this list that forms the basis for the entries here. However, other camps are mentioned in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopaedia of Camps and Ghettoes, a weighty tome which is also horrendously expensive.

My initial task here has been to try and research these sub-camps using internet-based resources only, with the intention of perhaps conducting more detailed research later on. However, while there is quite a lot of information about many of the camps available on the internet, details of others are sparse. This is why a small number of the entries here provide minimal information at best about the camp concerned. 

To commence proceedings then, first, some details about Dachau, the main parent camp.

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